I was born to a wonderful Mother.
Looking back on my childhood I have absolutely no memories of feeling like I was deprived, or missing out, because of my allergies. I had a low threshold for sugars (Mum had to monitor the natural sugar content in foods) and I was lactose intolerant at a time when there no alternatives (except soy - which made me projectile vomit [20 years later we discovered I was anaphylactic to soy... no wonder my body wouldn't tolerate it!]). But never, not once do I remember not fitting in, struggling to find things to eat or crying over the injustice of my allergy. It was just who I was.
This is what I want for my son Fletcher. Just because he was diagnosed with an intolerance and suspected allergy to both lactose and the protein in cows milk at the age of 6 weeks... and then 4 months later had a suspected allergic reaction to pear... doesn't mean he should miss out on things throughout his life.
Now, FJ doesn't have the worst children's allergies I've ever heard of. I know of a number of children who are very, very limited in what they can eat, and I feel for their parents, because there is a long and difficult road ahead to find things that are nutritious, tasty and easy to cook. And that's where I hope I can help, even if it's only in a small way.
I am in no way an expert, nor a nutritionist. I am not a chef and I am definitely not the healthiest person I know. However I am is a Mother with a passion and a drive to help... and a love of baking.
This journey I am on is one for my son. I love him with all my heart and soul, and I will try anything if it there's a chance he'll benefit in some way. This journey will also see a change in the eating habits of my husband and I. I still have my allergies, and a few intolerances... I also have about 50kg to lose. Chances are by making the foods in our house "friendly" we'll all benefit from my hard work and exploration!
And I hope your household can too!
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