Well after a very long break from blogging I'm back... ready to share my recipes with you again!
Why the long break? Well, a few reasons really.. life got in the way, my interests changed and my priorities slipped. And there's nothing like on horrific, awful, disastrous week where your whole world starts to implode to put you back on track, right?! But I'll go into that later...
Right now I wanted to let you know that I'm back... and I'm going to be a little bit different.
Why? Because I'm different and so is the knowledge and experiences I bring with me.
Because Fletcher is now 5 and a half... and in school... and therefore VERY different, and unfortunately so are his allergies and sensitivities.
Because the world we live in is different and people are looking for a holistic approach to their lifestyles, not just their kitchen!
So sit back.. relax... and come on the journey with me... searching for health, well-being, contentment and good, simple, healthy food! xx